* This file is part of Contao.
* (c) Leo Feyer
* @license LGPL-3.0-or-later
use Contao\System;
use Patchwork\Utf8;
* Add a log entry
* @param string $strMessage
* @param string $strLog
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use the logger service instead.
function log_message($strMessage, $strLog=null)
@trigger_error('Using log_message() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use the logger service instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
if ($strLog === null)
$strLog = 'prod-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.log';
$strLogsDir = null;
if (($container = System::getContainer()) !== null)
$strLogsDir = $container->getParameter('kernel.logs_dir');
if (!$strLogsDir)
$strLogsDir = $container->getParameter('kernel.project_dir') . '/var/logs';
error_log(sprintf("[%s] %s\n", date('d-M-Y H:i:s'), $strMessage), 3, $strLogsDir . '/' . $strLog);
* Scan a directory and return its files and folders as array
* @param string $strFolder
* @param boolean $blnUncached
* @return array
function scan($strFolder, $blnUncached=false)
global $arrScanCache;
// Add a trailing slash
if (substr($strFolder, -1, 1) != '/')
$strFolder .= '/';
// Load from cache
if (!$blnUncached && isset($arrScanCache[$strFolder]))
return $arrScanCache[$strFolder];
$arrReturn = array();
// Scan directory
foreach (scandir($strFolder, SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING) as $strFile)
if ($strFile == '.' || $strFile == '..')
$arrReturn[] = $strFile;
// Cache the result
if (!$blnUncached)
$arrScanCache[$strFolder] = $arrReturn;
return $arrReturn;
* Convert special characters to HTML entities and make sure that
* entities are never double converted.
* @param string $strString
* @param boolean $blnStripInsertTags
* @return string
* @deprecated Using specialchars() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.
* Use StringUtil::specialchars() instead.
function specialchars($strString, $blnStripInsertTags=false)
@trigger_error('Using specialchars() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use StringUtil::specialchars() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
if ($blnStripInsertTags)
$strString = strip_insert_tags($strString);
return htmlspecialchars($strString, ENT_QUOTES, $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['characterSet'], false);
* Standardize a parameter (strip special characters and convert spaces)
* @param string $strString
* @param boolean $blnPreserveUppercase
* @return string
* @deprecated Using standardize() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.
* Use StringUtil::standardize() instead.
function standardize($strString, $blnPreserveUppercase=false)
@trigger_error('Using standardize() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use StringUtil::standardize() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
$arrSearch = array('/[^\pN\pL \.\&\/_-]+/u', '/[ \.\&\/-]+/');
$arrReplace = array('', '-');
$strString = html_entity_decode($strString, ENT_QUOTES, $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['characterSet']);
$strString = strip_insert_tags($strString);
$strString = preg_replace($arrSearch, $arrReplace, $strString);
if (is_numeric(substr($strString, 0, 1)))
$strString = 'id-' . $strString;
if (!$blnPreserveUppercase)
$strString = Patchwork\Utf8::strtolower($strString);
return trim($strString, '-');
* Remove Contao insert tags from a string
* @param string $strString
* @return string
* @deprecated Using strip_insert_tags() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.
* Use StringUtil::stripInsertTags() instead.
function strip_insert_tags($strString)
@trigger_error('Using strip_insert_tags() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use StringUtil::stripInsertTags() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
$count = 0;
$strString = preg_replace('/{{[^{}]*}}/', '', $strString, -1, $count);
while ($count > 0);
return $strString;
* Return an unserialized array or the argument
* @param mixed $varValue
* @param boolean $blnForceArray
* @return mixed
* @deprecated Using deserialize() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.
* Use StringUtil::deserialize() instead.
function deserialize($varValue, $blnForceArray=false)
@trigger_error('Using deserialize() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use StringUtil::deserialize() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
// Already an array
if (is_array($varValue))
return $varValue;
// Null
if ($varValue === null)
return $blnForceArray ? array() : null;
// Not a string
if (!is_string($varValue))
return $blnForceArray ? array($varValue) : $varValue;
// Empty string
if (trim($varValue) === '')
return $blnForceArray ? array() : '';
// Potentially including an object (see #6724)
if (preg_match('/[OoC]:\+?[0-9]+:"/', $varValue))
trigger_error('The deserialize() function does not allow serialized objects', E_USER_WARNING);
return $blnForceArray ? array($varValue) : $varValue;
$varUnserialized = @unserialize($varValue, array('allowed_classes' => false));
if (is_array($varUnserialized))
$varValue = $varUnserialized;
elseif ($blnForceArray)
$varValue = array($varValue);
return $varValue;
* Split a string into fragments, remove whitespace and return fragments as array
* @param string $strPattern
* @param string $strString
* @return array
* @deprecated Using trimsplit() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.
* Use StringUtil::trimsplit() instead.
function trimsplit($strPattern, $strString)
@trigger_error('Using trimsplit() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use StringUtil::trimsplit() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
// Split
if (strlen($strPattern) == 1)
$arrFragments = array_map('trim', explode($strPattern, $strString));
$arrFragments = array_map('trim', preg_split('/' . $strPattern . '/ui', $strString));
// Empty array
if (count($arrFragments) < 2 && !strlen($arrFragments[0]))
$arrFragments = array();
return $arrFragments;
* Convert all ampersands into their HTML entity (default) or unencoded value
* @param string $strString
* @param boolean $blnEncode
* @return string
function ampersand($strString, $blnEncode=true)
return preg_replace('/&(amp;)?/i', ($blnEncode ? '&' : '&'), $strString);
* Replace line breaks with HTML5-style <br> tags
* @param string $str
* @param boolean $xhtml
* @return string
function nl2br_html5($str, $xhtml=false)
return nl2br($str, $xhtml);
* Replace line breaks with XHTML-style <br /> tags
* @param string $str
* @return string
function nl2br_xhtml($str)
return nl2br($str);
* Replace line breaks with <br> tags preserving preformatted text
* @param string $str
* @param boolean $xhtml
* @return string
function nl2br_pre($str, $xhtml=false)
$str = $xhtml ? nl2br_xhtml($str) : nl2br_html5($str);
if (stripos($str, '<pre') === false)
return $str;
$chunks = array();
preg_match_all('/<pre[^>]*>.*<\/pre>/Uis', $str, $chunks);
foreach ($chunks as $chunk)
$str = str_replace($chunk, str_ireplace(array('<br>', '<br />'), '', $chunk), $str);
return $str;
* Compare two file names using a case insensitive "natural order" algorithm
* @param string $a
* @param string $b
* @return integer
function basename_natcasecmp($a, $b)
return strnatcasecmp(basename($a), basename($b));
* Compare two file names using a case insensitive, reverse "natural order" algorithm
* @param string $a
* @param string $b
* @return integer
function basename_natcasercmp($a, $b)
return -strnatcasecmp(basename($a), basename($b));
* Sort an array by keys using a case insensitive "natural order" algorithm
* @param array $arrArray
* @return array
function natcaseksort($arrArray)
$arrBuffer = array_flip($arrArray);
$arrBuffer = array_flip($arrBuffer);
return $arrBuffer;
* Compare two values based on their length (ascending)
* @param integer $a
* @param integer $b
* @return integer
function length_sort_asc($a, $b)
return strlen($a) - strlen($b);
* Compare two values based on their length (descending)
* @param integer $a
* @param integer $b
* @return integer
function length_sort_desc($a, $b)
return strlen($b) - strlen($a);
* Insert a parameter or array into an existing array at a particular index
* @param array $arrCurrent
* @param integer $intIndex
* @param mixed $arrNew
function array_insert(&$arrCurrent, $intIndex, $arrNew)
if (!is_array($arrCurrent))
$arrCurrent = $arrNew;
if (is_array($arrNew))
$arrBuffer = array_splice($arrCurrent, 0, $intIndex);
$arrCurrent = array_merge_recursive($arrBuffer, $arrNew, $arrCurrent);
array_splice($arrCurrent, $intIndex, 0, $arrNew);
* Duplicate a particular element of an array
* @param array $arrStack
* @param integer $intIndex
* @return array
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.3, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
function array_duplicate($arrStack, $intIndex)
@trigger_error('Using array_duplicate() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
$arrBuffer = $arrStack;
$arrStack = array();
for ($i=0; $i<=$intIndex; $i++)
$arrStack[] = $arrBuffer[$i];
for ($i=$intIndex, $c=count($arrBuffer); $i<$c; $i++)
$arrStack[] = $arrBuffer[$i];
return $arrStack;
* Move an array element one position up
* @param array $arrStack
* @param integer $intIndex
* @return array
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.3, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
function array_move_up($arrStack, $intIndex)
@trigger_error('Using array_move_up() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
if ($intIndex > 0)
$arrBuffer = $arrStack[$intIndex];
$arrStack[$intIndex] = $arrStack[($intIndex-1)];
$arrStack[($intIndex-1)] = $arrBuffer;
$arrStack[] = $arrStack[$intIndex];
return $arrStack;
* Move an array element one position down
* @param array $arrStack
* @param integer $intIndex
* @return array
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.3, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
function array_move_down($arrStack, $intIndex)
@trigger_error('Using array_move_down() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
if (($intIndex+1) < count($arrStack))
$arrBuffer = $arrStack[$intIndex];
$arrStack[$intIndex] = $arrStack[($intIndex+1)];
$arrStack[($intIndex+1)] = $arrBuffer;
array_unshift($arrStack, $arrStack[$intIndex]);
return $arrStack;
* Delete a particular element of an array
* @param array $arrStack
* @param integer $intIndex
* @return array
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.3, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
function array_delete($arrStack, $intIndex)
@trigger_error('Using array_delete() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return array_values($arrStack);
* Return true if an array is associative
* @param array $arrArray
* @return boolean
function array_is_assoc($arrArray)
return is_array($arrArray) && array_keys($arrArray) !== range(0, count($arrArray) - 1);
* Return a specific character
* Unicode version of chr() that handles UTF-8 characters.
* @param integer $dec
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use Patchwork\Utf8::chr() instead.
function utf8_chr($dec)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_chr() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Patchwork\Utf8::chr() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::chr($dec);
* Return the ASCII value of a character
* Unicode version of ord() that handles UTF-8 characters.
* @param string $str
* @return integer
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use Patchwork\Utf8::ord() instead.
function utf8_ord($str)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_ord() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Patchwork\Utf8::ord() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::ord($str);
* Convert character encoding
* @param string $str
* @param string $to
* @param string $from
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use StringUtil::convertEncoding() instead.
function utf8_convert_encoding($str, $to, $from=null)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_convert_encoding() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use StringUtil::convertEncoding() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
if (!$str)
return '';
if (!$from)
$from = mb_detect_encoding($str);
if ($from == $to)
return $str;
if ($from == 'UTF-8' && $to == 'ISO-8859-1')
return utf8_decode($str);
if ($from == 'ISO-8859-1' && $to == 'UTF-8')
return utf8_encode($str);
return mb_convert_encoding($str, $to, $from);
* Convert all unicode entities to their applicable characters
* Calls Utf8::chr() to convert unicode entities. HTML entities like ' '
* or '"' will not be decoded.
* @param string $str
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use html_entity_decode() instead.
function utf8_decode_entities($str)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_decode_entities() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use html_entity_decode() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
$str = preg_replace_callback('~&#x([0-9a-f]+);~i', static function ($matches) { return Utf8::chr(hexdec($matches[1])); }, $str);
$str = preg_replace_callback('~&#([0-9]+);~', static function ($matches) { return Utf8::chr($matches[1]); }, $str);
return $str;
* Callback function for utf8_decode_entities
* @param array $matches
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
function utf8_chr_callback($matches)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_chr_callback() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::chr($matches[1]);
* Callback function for utf8_decode_entities
* @param array $matches
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
function utf8_hexchr_callback($matches)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_hexchr_callback() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::chr(hexdec($matches[1]));
* Detect the encoding of a string
* @param string $str
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use mb_detect_encoding() instead.
function utf8_detect_encoding($str)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_detect_encoding() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use mb_detect_encoding() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return mb_detect_encoding($str, array('ASCII', 'ISO-2022-JP', 'UTF-8', 'EUC-JP', 'ISO-8859-1'));
* Romanize a string
* @param string $str
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use Patchwork\Utf8::toAscii() instead.
function utf8_romanize($str)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_romanize() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Patchwork\Utf8::toAscii() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::toAscii($str);
* Determine the number of characters of a string
* @param string $str
* @return integer
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use Patchwork\Utf8::strlen() instead.
function utf8_strlen($str)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_strlen() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Patchwork\Utf8::strlen() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::strlen($str);
* Find the position of the first occurence of a string in another string
* @param string $haystack
* @param string $needle
* @param integer $offset
* @return integer
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use Patchwork\Utf8::strpos instead.
function utf8_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset=0)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_strpos() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Patchwork\Utf8::strpos() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
* Find the last occurrence of a character in a string
* @param string $haystack
* @param string $needle
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use Patchwork\Utf8::strrchr() instead.
function utf8_strrchr($haystack, $needle)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_strrchr() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Patchwork\Utf8::strrchr() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::strrchr($haystack, $needle);
* Find the position of the last occurrence of a string in another string
* @param string $haystack
* @param string $needle
* @return mixed
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use Patchwork\Utf8::strrpos() instead.
function utf8_strrpos($haystack, $needle)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_strrpos() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Patchwork\Utf8::strrpos() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::strrpos($haystack, $needle);
* Find the first occurrence of a string in another string
* @param string $haystack
* @param string $needle
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use Patchwork\Utf8::strstr() instead.
function utf8_strstr($haystack, $needle)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_strstr() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Patchwork\Utf8::strstr() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::strstr($haystack, $needle);
* Make a string lowercase
* @param string $str
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use Patchwork\Utf8::strtolower() instead.
function utf8_strtolower($str)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_strtolower() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Patchwork\Utf8::strtolower() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::strtolower($str);
* Make a string uppercase
* @param string $str
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use Patchwork\Utf8::strtoupper() instead.
function utf8_strtoupper($str)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_strtoupper() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Patchwork\Utf8::strtoupper() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::strtoupper($str);
* Return substring of a string
* @param string $str
* @param integer $start
* @param integer $length
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use Patchwork\Utf8::substr() instead.
function utf8_substr($str, $start, $length=null)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_substr() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Patchwork\Utf8::substr() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::substr($str, $start, $length);
* Make sure the first letter is uppercase
* @param string $str
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use Patchwork\Utf8::ucfirst() instead.
function utf8_ucfirst($str)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_ucfirst() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Patchwork\Utf8::ucfirst() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::ucfirst($str);
* Convert a string to an array
* @param string $str
* @return array
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use Patchwork\Utf8::str_split() instead.
function utf8_str_split($str)
@trigger_error('Using utf8_str_split() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Patchwork\Utf8::str_split() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return Utf8::str_split($str);
* Replace line breaks with <br> tags (to be used with preg_replace_callback)
* @param array $matches
* @return string
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
function nl2br_callback($matches)
@trigger_error('Using nl2br_callback() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return str_replace("\n", '<br>', $matches[0]);